Searh results
Vol. 89 n. 4, 2018
The Horn d'Arturo ASTRI
Editors: R. Spiga, F. Bonoli, G. Pareschi, G. Trincheri
R. Spiga, F. Bonoli, G. Pareschi, G. Trincheri | Index |
G. Pareschi, G. Trinchieri | Foreword |
F. Bonoli | Guido Horn d'Arturo and the first multi-mirror telescopes: 1932-1952 |
R. Ragazzoni | The fine and transformational optics of Guido Horn d'Arturo |
F. Fernandez-Barral and F. Ferrini | Cherenkov Telescope Array: 120 telescopes and 6500 mirror segments to explore the very high-energy Universe |
S. Scuderi | The ASTRI project |
O. Catalano | Cherenkov light for gamma astronomy and not only |
L. Zarantonello | The eventful life of Guido Horn d'Arturo in a comic book |